Gerard Maccreanor
Gerard graduated in 1987 from Bath University and established Maccreanor Lavington Architects in partnership with Richard Lavington in 1992. Gerard has overseen the design and construction of over 2500 residential units, many of which form a part of larger mixed use schemes.
He is the managing principle for a number of large scale urban design projects, including; South Dagenham West; London (38ha), Thameside West, London (63ha) and Barking Riverside (52ha). Gerard has been leading a series of projects in collaboration with KCAP, including; the redevelopment of Bishopsgate Goodsyard, London; (5ha) and the Royals Business Park, London; (21ha).
Gerard is also overseeing a number of infrastructure projects, which include the DLR extension from Beckton to Dagenham in London, a new metro station at Kraaiennest in Amsterdam and a transport interchange in Dagenham, London.
He was a member of the RIBA Competition Advisory Committee (1991-1995), the Europan UK secretariat (1993-1998), assessor for the Arts Council of England Lottery Fund (1994-1996). He was a Jury member for various European competitions like Europan 5 (The Netherlands) and Europan 6 (Spain). Gerard has recently been appointed as a member of the CABE Design Review Panel (2009-2014).
Gerard has taught at many University Schools of Architecture including The Bartlett and Westminster in London, Canterbury, Bath, Belfast, The Technische Universiteit Delft and The School of Architecture, Stockholm.