Piers Sadler
Director, Piers Sadler Consulting
Piers is a building scientist and Certified Passivhaus Designer based in Bristol. He works specialises in Passivhaus design and construction with current projects including a new archive repository and offices, a primary school, a 26 unit housing development and a recently completed Certified Passivhaus Plus home. Piers enjoys the scientific rigour, problem solving and collaborative working which the Passivhaus Standard engenders. As well as project work Piers teaches Passivhaus on the CarbonLite course at the University of Bath. Piers’s background is in environmental and earth sciences where he has more than 20 years experience working in international engineering consultancies. Having completed an MSc in Sustainable Building at Oxford Brookes in 2010 he formed Piers Sadler Consulting where he began specialising in building energy and building performance.