Ron Beattie, Passivhaus expert and innovator of Beattie Passive. Ron's passion and understanding of all sectors has led to the development and patent of a practical and achievable new build and retrofit system. Ron continually innovates to improve the application, performance and deliverability of the Beattie Passive product, ensuring the product is ahead of the curve. The latest innovation, Haus4one (single person relocatable home) is part of Beattie Passive’s Volumetric Modular offerings, further speeding up the delivery and guaranteeing performance, and being seen as an answer for temporary and pop-up housing. The latest innovations in the TCosy™ system are simplifying the application for deep retrofit and reducing costs whilst still delivering the same high performance. Based on his extensive experience, Ron actively works with social housing providers and developers committed to providing better quality, high performance homes.
UKPHC19 PRESENTATION Great Yarmouth - Scaling up retrofit