Tomás O'Leary has been working in the field of Passivhaus since 2002, starting with designing, building and living in his own Passivhaus. He is one of the leading educators in the subject through his internationally accredited firm the Passive House Academy. He is also accredited by PHI to certify Passivhaus buildings and is currently active on over 60 projects across the globe, with a significant number of projects underway in the US. PHA is also very active in the US in delivering the PHI training programmes for both Consultants and Tradespersons. More recently, Tomás has shifted his focus towards international research on retrofitting to the Passive House standard as well as using the economic benefits of the standard to encourage policy makers to go Passive.
UKPHC19 PRESENTATION Passivhaus: Growing up!
UKPHC19 PRESENTATION Upskilling the nation for Passivhaus